I respect your right to disagree and not be satisfied with their application - and there is even a place on their website to do so.

You can find forum topics here and there for others - but nobody is more widely supportive of their app than RossTech - and that's not subjective. That said, the online availability of support and help with your car using an application THEY support is second to none. It is my opinion that this is a subjective review of an application. Others will provide a solution, for an additional cost - and if you've diagnosed properly - might fix the issue.

If you spend a little time and investigate the issue as well as how to correct (which any mechanic worth their salt does) VCDS provides the information to support that diagnostic process and sometimes a solution.

Others provide the same functionality - but make you pay for them incrementally. Click to expand.So, I dont consider myself a fanboy nor a sycophant - I have tried both Carista as well as TorquePro, DashCommander, and OBDEleven.